SYDNEY, Australia, Tuesday 22 June 2010 - Today the Art Gallery of New South Wales announced the provision of free access to a selection of rich educational content for life-long learners, students and people interested in knowing more about Sydney’s premier gallery. To date this ‘service’ has only been available to Australian universities and schools. The Art Gallery of NSW now joins a number of distinguished organisations over 600 universities and numerous schools that distribute their information free to the public. The Art Gallery of NSW, which last year saw 1.3 million visitors, sees this as a significant opportunity to allow people anywhere at anytime to access the Gallery’s collection of lectures, exhibition-related video and audio, children’s tours and collection audio tours. Belinda Hanrahan, Art Gallery of NSW, said 'iTunes U provides another, flexible way in which the Gallery can provide its information, knowledge and resources to anyone, anywhere in the world as it’s such a powerful and user-friendly system for everything from lectures, tours and interviews. This is such a wonderful way for our gallery to connect with people.' 'The Gallery increasingly uses the latest technology to engage with our audiences and iTunes U provides another way for people to learn about us, bringing some of our best lectures to people around the world. Video and audio media is a powerful communication and learning tool.' Home to more than 250 000 free lectures, videos, films and other resources from learning institutions all over the world, iTunes U is an innovative way to get educational content into the hands of students and life-long learners all over the world. iTunes U content is easily downloaded and viewed on any Mac, PC, iPod, iPhone or iPad. The Art Gallery of NSW content can be found within the Beyond Campus (link opens in iTunes) section of iTunes U. For further information: Susanne Briggs, Art Gallery of NSW (02) 9225 1791 0412 268 320 susanneb@ag.nsw.gov.au |